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Company Profile

Esetrans-Eyucang is a fast and steadily growing logistic enterprise, since its establishment in 2003, it has been devoting to international express delivery and Air Freight Forwarding businesses and E-commerce services. Initially acting as agency of four international express net, Esetrans has built it’s own special international regional lines which covering Europe, North America, Middle-South America, South East Asia, Middle East, South Korea ,Japan and Australia. The vicegerent business covers more than 200 countries and areas globally. Meanwhile, Esetrans-Eyucang are dedicating on cooperating with business partners to develop both domestic and international transportation business, has developed from single delivery to logistic- solution solver who always provides the "secure, fast and low-cost" service by continual efforts, while focusing on custom needs. We use the advanced logistic equipment, network and software technology which guarantee the high quality and high-speed transportation service , while offering full quality-control in service, focusing on every detail. At the same time, we also try our best to optimize the cost and the effectiveness according to shipment and your request, with the rational logistic-solutions and the economical logistics indeed, you can easily finish your business on internet and everything done by us!
Esetrans-Eyucang has been focused on every client’ benefit and wish to expand our business based on sincerity, serve our customers with strength and credit, create a splendid future together with our friends in all circles of the world.


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  • 0571-87918879